
Audioonlyyoutubechromeextensionenablesyoutodisableonlyvideoonyoutubewhichsavesinternetusagemorethan50%whenyouwanttolistensongson ...,1.OpenYouTubeMusic.2.Clickavideotoplayit.3.Clickthedownwardsarrowheadonthebottom-right.4.ClicktheXonthetop-rightoftheminiplayer.,2020年5月9日—Idon'tthinkthereisanoptionforthatrightnow.YouhavetojustusetheYouTubeAppifyourlookingtowatchmusicvideosonly.,2021年1月26日...

Audio Only Youtube

Audio only youtube chrome extension enables you to disable only video on youtube which saves internet usage more than 50% when you want to listen songs on ...

How to Play Audio Only on YouTube Music on PC or Mac

1. Open YouTube Music. 2. Click a video to play it. 3. Click the downwards arrowhead on the bottom-right. 4. Click the X on the top-right of the mini player.

How to play videos only?

2020年5月9日 — I don't think there is an option for that right now. You have to just use the YouTube App if your looking to watch music videos only.

No Music-Only mode in web player?

2021年1月26日 — I know you can disable videos in the Android app, but I don't find that option in the web player. Is there actually no way to disable videos ...

Turn on audio-only or video mode

Open the YouTube Music app from your signed-in account. Select your profile photo and then Settings and then Playback & Restrictions.

YouTube Music

A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. It's all here.

選擇使用音訊或影片模式- Android

設定後,即使專輯中只有部分歌曲有YouTube 影片,你還是能聆聽專輯的所有曲目。如果某首歌曲沒有音樂影片,系統就會直接播放該歌曲的純音訊版本。 在純音訊模式中,YouTube ...